Integrative Leadership Seminar

Leading Across Sectors to Address Grand Challenges, 3 cr.

This seminar is taught by a rotating team of faculty from Center-affiliated Schools.

Build your skills and network for cross-sector leadership to forge innovative solutions to community problems! This class brings professional graduate students from Public Health, Management, Law, Public Affairs, and Education into one classroom to explore cross-sector leadership for the public good from a variety of perspectives. You will learn from case studies, conceptual frameworks, and guest speakers. Faculty will coach participants through a structured process to design a tailored, actionable, and innovative cross-sector initiative to address a problem of your choosing. 

Register under LAW 6623, PA 5105, MGMT 6402, OLPD 6402, or PUBH 6702. Learn more about Leading Across Sectors to Address Grand Challenges and how it fits in with the graduate minor in integrative leadership here.


Hands v2

Fall 2024 Instructor Team